Monday 12 December 2011

i've deleted my sims

deleted them, to be realistic on this i had the most life like set of dolls you can have without being a slave owner, in the tradition of my people i am an escapist with an addictive personality, my beautiful animated doll collection was imbued with meaning and symbolism and now i'm a lonely arsehole. so you can take the veiwpoint that to be concerned about this is pathetic but i'm unemployed, overweight, mentally ill and living in government housing so pathetic is a line that i feel has been crossed by too many different aspects of myself for it to mean much because i can rationalise anything.

i can rationalise writing a blog because i have nothing much to do with my time and people have said they would read it, i didn't ask them they just said, do a blog, i'd read it, i have a bit of respect for these people so i'd say that they're probably setting me up to make a fool of myself for their own fucked-up gratification, the best counter attack i have for this is to write drivel so tedious and self referential that it's more of a punishment for them to read it than any humiliation i'd get from writing it.

you guys like martin martini? "lonely girl" just came on, not the most synchronistic song to appear this morning but i like martin martini and i felt like sharing that, though i feel like if i met the people from the band they'd probably be wankers, as people seem inclined to be. to illustrate my point there is some crap on tv right now with some coked up arseholes pretending to be underwater royalty or some such bullshit and is this the type of crap people want to familiarise their children with? seems that way.

I want a cigarette but  my centrelink payment doesn't come through for a couple of days (fuck you for whatever you're thinking, you don't know me) and my boyfriend will get pissy if we run out of tobacco, Ok, he's just left to sort out his payment and he says he doesn't mind if I have the last smoke, he's going to mind later but whatever. He is cute and smart and lovely and i love him, which is why i deleted my sims, i was spending too much time on the computer and now i'll spend more time with him in theory, or painting or doing something constructive.

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